As the street advertising business continues to make inroads into the advertising sector, praise must be given to the designers and artists who create such interesting and often amusing advertising signs. Street advertising designs comes in many different forms like benches, kiosks, transit shelters, litter bins and street flags, and many are worthy of praise.
In the past advertising was two dimensional, but today three dimensional ads are becoming increasingly popular. One noteworthy artist who designs 3D advertising is Julian Beever. Once just a street artist in Brussels, using chalk on pavement to create his works, he is now in high demand world-wide, and carries out commissions for many corporate businesses. His Ballantine’s advertisement chalked on pavement is particularly impressive.
Other street furniture advertising, particular the transit shelter, is now also being designed using three dimensional advertising to captivate the passing audience. Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, Vodacom and McDonalds have all used 3D transit shelters advertising. The use of 3D decals on areas of high pedestrian traffic like pavements and malls are also fascinating and eye-catching. In this age of high definition digital TV, 3D street advertising sign could still have the edge over television commercials.
These designs work particularly well for advertisers. They can be seen by an audience of all ages and income brackets. Their impact is often long lasting, and they often become a topic of conversation by impressed viewers. The cost for the advertiser for this type of street advertising can be considerably less than other forms of advertising media. As it continues to flourish throughout the world, how long before the television networks are forced to reduce their advertising fees in order to compete?