Latest News and Events from Capitol Outdoor

Brand Quality Demands Attention

A brand can be the most valuable asset a company owns. There is no scientific way to value a brand, as it is worth what a buyer is prepared to pay if the business was ever to be sold. So, what is brand advertising? What is [...]

2016-10-07T17:27:15+00:00November 15th, 2010|Categories: Feature|Tags: |

Finding the Right Outdoor Advertising Agency

The Capitol Outdoor mission is to offer advertisers premier out of home advertising units in premium locations across the U.S.  See how Beth learned what was needed in the right outdoor advertising company.    

2019-10-22T19:08:33+00:00September 15th, 2010|Categories: Feature|

Alternative Advertising Venues

Magazines, newspapers, radio stations, television…these traditional advertising venues often come to mind first when thinking about places to advertise. But there are also many alternative advertising venues that businesses can take advantage of. In addition to often being cheaper than, say billboard advertising costs, these alternative venues [...]

2016-10-07T13:52:52+00:00August 23rd, 2010|Categories: OOH Industry|

Billboard Advertising Offers Real Value

Billboards are being erected at a rate of 15,000 every year in the USA; they are so popular because they are relatively inexpensive and on display every minute of every day. The location of course is essential to their success because they would have little value [...]

2016-10-07T12:40:08+00:00July 15th, 2010|Categories: OOH Industry|

OOH Media Categories

Ask someone to name a form of out of home media and they will likely mention billboards or digital signs. Billboards may come to mind first because they have been in use for such a long time. In America, billboards were first used in the 1830’s, [...]

2016-10-07T02:13:41+00:00April 1st, 2010|Categories: OOH Industry|Tags: |

Small Business Advertising

Sometimes advertising is neglected by the first-time entrepreneur or small business owner. The reasons are all very legitimate. Maybe money is tight and banks are not lending, or funds need to go to fulfilling orders and keeping the lights on, so marketing and advertising budgets [...]

2019-10-22T19:08:33+00:00March 25th, 2010|Categories: OOH Industry|Tags: |

How to Establish a Successful Brand

Establishing a brand is never straightforward. The choice of a name needs thought and if it has an existing association with the type of product or service being offered all the better. It must be easy to remember and not open to a negative response [...]

2019-10-22T19:08:33+00:00February 16th, 2010|Categories: Feature|Tags: |

Success Tied to Advertising

The commercial industry has been rocky in recent years.  The good news is that companies who emerged successful from the years of recession have opportunity to continue growth. Some of the competition may have disappeared and those most likely to succeed in the coming years are [...]

2019-10-22T19:08:33+00:00January 15th, 2010|Categories: Feature|
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