Latest News and Events from Capitol Outdoor

Digital Media Networks for Electronic Billboards

Billboard advertising companies work tirelessly to secure high traffic locations, where companies can reach regular commuters and travelers of specific demographics, to stay top-of-mind in their chosen markets.  Billboard advertising companies and their buyers now have more options when it comes to buying billboard space, [...]

2016-09-28T22:16:37+00:00January 10th, 2013|Categories: OOH Industry|Tags: |

Billboard Advertising Stays Relevant

Billboard advertising never goes out of style. Billboard advertising displays have evolved over time and changed as the industry has adapted to new techniques and technology.  Today, out of home advertisements generally come in three forms: Printed Painted, and Electronic The key to being successful [...]

2019-10-22T19:08:31+00:00December 10th, 2012|Categories: OOH Industry|Tags: |

Street Advertising Signs

Street advertising, or as it is better known in the industry, street furniture advertising, has become an exceptionally popular form of OOH media advertising. If you are unfamiliar with this term, it is the type of advertising that you see every day around busy malls [...]

2016-10-04T22:46:18+00:00October 20th, 2012|Categories: OOH Industry|Tags: |

The Whole Is the Sum of the Brands

Brand advertising is strategy to create loyalty and trust in a brand name and the quality it provides. Brands may be in any business sector, but the principles of advertising remain the same every time. There is no substitute for having a good name. Everyone has [...]

2016-10-09T01:22:34+00:00September 9th, 2012|Categories: Feature|Tags: |

How to Sell Your Vacant Billboard Space

A variety of organizations and businesses advertise their services on billboards. Billboards help all kinds of organizations get their message out to the public. In order for this to happen, the potential advertiser first needs to find the best location for their message and by default, [...]

2019-10-22T19:08:32+00:00August 2nd, 2012|Categories: OOH Real Estate|Tags: |

Brand Development

The cost of developing a new brand can be prohibitive, resulting in a fairly recent trend of extending established brands to cover new products that a company is looking to introduce. Consumers will already know the name, so the challenge is to ensure that the [...]

2019-10-22T19:08:32+00:00July 1st, 2012|Categories: Tips for Effective OOH|Tags: |

Selling Billboards Space

The outdoor advertising industry is largely dependent on selling billboards and advertising space. For advertising companies, it is imperative that organizations and businesses know how to easily find you. This will guarantee that your space is always filled. You also need to provide competitive rates to [...]

2019-10-22T19:08:32+00:00May 4th, 2012|Categories: OOH Real Estate|Tags: |

New Media Advertising Is the Future

Latin scholars will know that ‘ad vertere’ is Latin for ‘to turn toward.’ Advertisers aim to get consumers to turn towards their goods or services. Businesses looking to increase their sales can use many different forms of the media to reach the consumer. It is [...]

2019-10-22T19:08:32+00:00March 15th, 2012|Categories: OOH Industry|Tags: |
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