How To Get Started In The Outdoor Billboard Business
Outdoor advertising began in the 1830’s. During this time, merchants would simply paint signs along the road so as to let travelers know of their products and services as well as how to get in touch with them. It was not until the 1900’s when standards were created for the type of structures that could be erected along roads. In 1965, the highway beautification act was passed and required that every state should establish rules as to what size billboards should be and how to space and light them. This act is still the basis of the rules and regulations governing the construction of billboards and who owns billboards.
Before you venture into the outdoor advertising business, you will first need to identify your target market. This includes learning their culture and how business is done. For example, a conservative town may not be the best place to advertise the newest Victoria’s Secret bras. Similarly an area that has experienced significant job losses perhaps due to the closing down of a factory may also not be the best place to erect a Billboard. This is because the businesses in that area may be struggling and have no budget to spend on advertising.
Areas that have recently experienced growth are the best places to erect new billboards as the new businesses may be willing to spend money on advertising so as to attract new customers. Always consult with industry professionals before you put up any structures. Talk to an accountant who works with businesses who owns billboards to get a feel for the expected ROI and expenses. Insurance agents will recommend the best coverage for your employees and structural engineers will be best placed to advise you on the type of structure you will require.
Before trying to establish a presence in any area, find out who is already operating in it and what kind of market share they command. Can you compete? If not, partner with them instead.