Capitol LIVE off the I-5
The megalopolitan area of Sacramento, San Francisco, and San Jose is the most relevant tech corridor in the world. 20 Million people live and work here. Capitol Outdoors is positioned directly on the I-5, next to the GOLDEN 1 CENTER in the heart of SACRAMENTO.
Now you can bring your branding message to the millions of influencers that pass these signs weekly. At the vortex of this activity, Capitol Outdoor owns the most significant marquee signage in all of Northern California. Sitting on top of I-5 and on the K and L St corridors leading in and off the I-5, Capitol Outdoor’s unique branding opportunities create an ownership opportunity of the State Capital that extends beyond the city limits. It’s literally a branding for the whole of Northern CA.

The Appeal of Sacramento to Outdoor Advertisers
Sacramento’s prominence as the capital of the 5th largest economy in the world is so important to Fortune 1000 companies that they spent 361M dollars lobbying the state legislature last year alone, according to the Sacramento Bee. Every major CEO of companies that do business in California will pass these signs on their way to the Sacramento Capital Building.